
Flying Mallard Duck Eggs - Small Quantity

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Product Details


One of the bantam duck breeds. Excellent flyers, may need to clip primary feathers of one wing, pinion, or use flight pen to prevent flying. The drake is known for it's green head, brown chest,violet-blue speculum and white outer tail feathers. Hatchlings are black with yellow streaks. Weights: young drake - 40 oz  young duck - 36 oz . This breed goes through a summer molt, during which the, Male plumage resembles that of the , Female. Molt is known as the eclipse. Starts in June and completes in August. From September to November, the breed nests above ground. Eats acorns, corn, and water loving vegetation. Length: 15' to 21" Weight: 1.5 to 3 lb.

    These products being sold are live chicks or eggs.
  • Our live chicks are shipped as soon as they are hatched.
  • Availability of this item does not mean it ships immediately.
  • This means that we are still taking orders for the season and that your order will be placed in line for the next available shipment.
  • You will receive an email with your shipment date.

We can offer no guarantee on hatching eggs. There are various factors involved in hatching eggs and while they frequently do well, we have no control over the handling of the eggs once they ship.
