Brooder Pens

Using a Chicken Brooder Pen

When you place chicks in a chick brooder or a pen pop-up brooder, they need to remain there for at least six weeks. In warm weather, they can experience life outside during daylight hours. The outdoor temperature needs to be at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit for them to roam.

Let Your Baby Chicks Exercise

When you raise baby chicks and let them out of the chick brooder for outdoor time, contain them in a baby chick enclosure. Our pens offer easy assembly and disassembly, so they can be folded flat for storage once the sun sets, and then placed back in the brooder pen.

If you're raising chicks or a pet chicken hen, it's crucial to ensure that the brooder pens are predator-proof and the poultry is from the elements. This tough, powder-coated wire pen help escape traditional brooders and keep brooder messes contained, such as so much poop, while letting the chicks naturally stretch their legs.

As long as you put the baby birds back into the brooder before the temperature drops below 75 degrees, you should not need to raise the heat lamp, ensuring a successful brooder year.

Using Collapsable Chicken Runs

We also offer collapsible chicken runs that you can place over a brooder so the flock can wander once they’re old enough. At six weeks, they no longer need to live in the brooder and can join the rest of the flock in the chicken coop since they’ve developed their feathers by then. This helps transition them from the broody hen and allows for chick brooding to be more manageable with no more mess.

Stromberg’s offers chicken pens and runs that can fit over your chick brooder. Let us help you provide a safe exercise space for your young birds, ensuring they have the floor space and protection they need.