Crele Old English Bantam Chicks, Not Sexed

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Availability Information

Buy 5 for $5.25 ea. and save $0.40

Buy 10 for $5.00 ea. and save $0.65

Buy 15 for $4.95 ea. and save $0.70

QTY *Max order of 25

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Product Details


The Crele Old English Bantam is a favorite among poultry enthusiasts who appreciate both beauty and vigor in their backyard. The chicks are also ideal for collectors and exhibitors since they capture the elegance and historical richness of the Old English Bantam breed.

A Visual Spectacle of a Bird

English Bantams stand out because of their vibrant and multicolored plumage patterns. Each bird showcases a unique color pattern.

Males are strikingly beautiful birds with bright hackle and saddle feathers that show alternate bars of orange-red and straw. Females show equally striking but distinctively patterned plumage.

All Old English Bantams have single combs, but males must be dubbed in order to show. The bright red of this breed’s combs, ear lobes, faces, and wattles make it the perfect show bird that’s bound to win.

A Lively Contributor to Any Flock

These bantams produce small, cream or tinted eggs. They may not be the best egg layers, but their value goes beyond their egg production.

Crele Old English Bantams are active and engaging, boosting the aesthetic appeal and vibrancy of your flock. They also have a tendency to be broody, giving you a great opportunity to observe natural chicken behaviors closely.

Males weigh around 24 oz while females are slightly lighter at 22 oz. Their small stature makes them perfect additions to flocks with limited spaces. They remain to be a visual spectacle and a lively contributor even in small quarters.

Crele Old English Bantam Chicks Highlights

  • Purpose: Ornamental, Exhibition
  • Egg Production: Poor
  • Egg Color: Cream or Tinted
  • Egg Size: Small
  • Temperament: Active
  • Broody: Setters
  • Weight: Males - 24 oz, Females - 22 oz
  • Availability: Male, Female, Not Sexed, as live chicks or eggs

A Touch of Traditional English Beauty for Your Coop

The Crele Old English Bantam is one of the most unique and colorful varieties of all Old English Bantams. Its stunning appearance and engaging personality bring a touch of traditional English beauty to your coop.

Experience the charm and history of this breed at Stromberg’s Chickens.

Availability Information

  • These products being sold are live chicks or eggs.
  • Our live chicks are shipped as soon as they are hatched.
  • Availability of this item does not mean it ships immediately.
  • This means that we are still taking orders for the season and that your order will be placed in line for the next available shipment.
  • You will receive an email with your shipment date.
  • Colors may vary.
