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The Importance of a Chicken Coop

When you start keeping chickens, one of the most important things you need to consider is the kind of home you make for them. A chicken coop is more than a simple structure for shelter. The right coop will help your flock feel safe, comfortable, and happy in your backyard. 

On the other hand, a poorly built coop can stress out your chickens and leave them vulnerable to predators and disease. This can lead to unhealthy birds, poor egg production, and a sad end to your beautiful flock. You should never underestimate the importance of a chicken coop. Here are just a few of the things a safe, clean, and comfortable coop can give to your favorite birds.

The Importance of a Chicken Coop


Everyone deserves a roof over their heads, and your flock is no different. Chickens are hardy creatures that hold up well even in cold temperatures, but that doesn’t mean you want to leave them out in the open all winter long. 

A sturdy chicken coop will keep your birds safe from frigid winter nights, dreary rainstorms, and the hot summer sun. It’s important to insulate your coop so that your birds can have a warm place to sleep in the winter. 

At the same time, you also need proper ventilation so that air can flow through the structure and prevent high humidity or moisture buildup. Additionally, always keep an eye out for leaks or other damage that may expose your birds to rain, snow, or other precipitation within the coop.


The weather isn’t the only threat your flock faces. Chickens have a variety of natural predators that will seek to make their way into your yard. Hawks, foxes, and stray cats or dogs like to prey on chickens, while snakes, raccoons, and rodents will make off with your hens’ eggs.

A chicken coop gives your birds an extra level of security from any predators that come snooping in the night. An elevated coop will keep your flock off the ground and make it harder for snakes and smaller predators to get inside. 

If your coop has fencing, bury it several inches beneath the ground to keep out burrowers. You can also add features such as motion lights and an automatic door to give your chickens an even safer home.


All animals need a reliable source of food and water to survive. For your chickens, the coop is that source. Placing feeders and a chicken watering system inside the coop gives your birds a safe, clean space to eat and drink every day. 

This also helps your birds develop a comfortable routine. When you feed your birds in the same place every day, you also get the chance to monitor their eating habits and make sure everyone is getting enough food without having to fight over it.


Do you love falling into your warm, comfy bed at night? A chicken coop gives that same experience to your flock. The structure gives them a safe place to spend the night, and you can also add roosting bars and other raised spaces. 

Chickens love to sleep in the air, and a roosting perch gives them all the comfort and security of resting safely off the ground. The roosting bars should be smooth with rounded edges to prevent splinters and to give your birds an easy grip. 

Make sure you add enough roosting space for all your chickens to settle in without squabbling. These features will give your flock a good night’s sleep, making them much happier and healthier when morning comes around.


If you want your hens to produce delicious, nutritious farm-fresh eggs, you need to give them a safe and comfortable place to do so. This is one of the biggest reasons why a chicken coop is important. 

By placing nesting boxes within your coop, you give your hens a convenient, secure place to lay their eggs in peace. A good rule of thumb is to have one nesting box for every four hens. Raise the boxes a few inches above the ground—though they should stay lower than any of the roosting bars—and line them with dry, comfortable bedding to give your hens an ideal laying space.


Chickens might not be as hygienic as humans, but they still like having a clean place to live. With regular cleaning and maintenance, your chicken coop can remain a healthy place for your flock to thrive. It’s important to choose a coop design that’s easy to clean regularly. 

Can you easily reach the corners of the coop or beneath roosting bars and nesting areas? You should also pay attention to the type of bedding you use. Keeping clean, dry bedding is a huge part of preventing pests, disease, and even the unpleasant odors that might otherwise plague your flock’s home.


A chicken coop provides your flock’s basic needs for survival, but it can also add a bright spot of entertainment and interest to their lives. You can add many toys and accessories to your coop to keep your chickens happy and to stave off boredom. 

Install a chicken swing or ladder to see your birds climb around and sway back and forth. You can also hang a treat ball from a swing, giving your chickens something to peck at. Little toys and treats like these capture your birds’ interest and prevent bullying and squabbling among your flock.


Perhaps the best part of a chicken coop is that it gives your birds a home close to yours. When you know exactly where your flock spends its days, it’s easier to keep an eye on it. This makes your birds more accessible when it comes time to clean the coop, refill feeders and waterers, and collect eggs. 

At night, you can rest easy knowing your chickens are all together in a secure place. Additionally, having a centralized location for your chickens makes it easier for you to notice issues such as squabbling, predators, or symptoms of disease. It’s much harder to notice unusual behaviors or other patterns when your birds spread out and roam wherever they please.

Overall, a chicken coop gives your flock a safe and comfortable home where you can protect and provide for them. What’s your favorite part of owning a chicken coop? What features do you have to make your flock’s home even better? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Infographic about The Importance of a Chicken Coop